Monday 11 November 2013

AV for Tata AIA Life (brief - your anchor in life)

VO: Life… (Pause) is full of uncertainties
The film opens on a stark visual of an empty race track. The track is filled with hurdles. Cut to an aggressive, cheering crowd.

VO: You may have worked really hard
Cut to, a woman is being shouted at, by her boss in his cabin. She has her head held down in shame. The scene is shot from behind the glass door.

VO: You may have given it your best shot
A red buzzer goes off. We see one red cross blinking. In quick succession the other two crosses blink too, ala India’s Got Talent. Cut to, we see a dejected contestant standing on stage.

VO: You may have thrown away everything…. (Pause) for that ONE thing
We see a girl with her luggage at her lover’s doorstep. The door opens and she smiles anticipating. The boy looks at her blank, looks inside his house once….But just when we think he will let her in, the door slowly starts to shut.

VO: Yet… (Pause) you may fall…
A young athlete is shown falling, and rolling on the ground with the impact of speed.

VO: And when you do…
The athlete is bent on his knees, his hands on the ground and his head bowed down.

VO: You need someone who can tell you…it’s alright…
We see a middle-aged woman hear the door bell (we hear the sound, suddenly breaking the silence before the VO) As the door opens we see the same girl with her luggage simply walking. She walks past her mom…mother is looking at the luggage confused. She turns back hugs her mother’s tight.

VO: Someone who, you know will always be there
The woman who got fired is picking up things from her desk and putting them in a box. Then she picks up the photo frame of her and her husband. She looks at it for a while and smile crosses her face.

VO: That someone, who makes you feel secure…protected.
The young boy who fell lifts his head up and looks at the coach in the audience. The coach looks back at him reassuringly...

VO: No matter how tough the going.
The guy who just failed the audition takes off his cap and throws it on the floor when he sees his friends screaming from the audience. They are holding a placard that has the symbol of 3 ticks.

VO: Tata AIA Life…
The young runner gets up and starts running again confidently.

VO: Your Anchor. In a journey called life.

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